1st - 5th ICUMAS (2009-2017)
The 5th ICUMAS 2017 (第五屆國際管綫管理大會)
Date : 30th & 31st March 2017
Theme : BIM, Control & Utility Management for Smart City and The Sponge City (建築信息模擬在智慧城巿及海綿城巿的控制與管綫管理)
Venue : Regal Kowloon Hotel, Hong Kong
Day 1 (30th Mar 17) Opening & Conference:
– am session: Control & Utility Management – Location, Condition & Management
– pm session: BIM (for CIC) – BIM in Hong Kong: What is your contribution?
Day 2 (31st Mar 17) Conference & Summit:
– am session: Control & Utility Management – Location, Condition & Management
– pm session: Utility Professionals Summit – Utility Survey Methods and How Accurate Surveys Can Help in Project Safety and Progress?
(Day 1) 30th Mar 2017 (Please click to view album)
(Day 2) 31st Mar 2017 (Please click to view album)

The 4th International Conference on Utility Management & Safety 2014
Date: 14th November – 16th November 2014
Venue: China National Convention Center
The 4th International Conference on Utility Management & Safety (ICUMAS) and China International Underground Pipeline Exhibition & Conference 2014 (CIUP EXPO) took place in China National Convention Center in Beijing, CHINA, starting from 14 November 2014 to 16 November 2014.
The conference was a major event held by the International Institute of Utility Specialists (IIUS), China Association of City Planning Underground Pipeline Committee and China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges, to discuss popular issues on utility management and safety. It was the first time to organize ICUMAS outside Hong Kong.
4th_icumas_2014_flyer.pdf |
4th_icumas_2014_report.pdf |

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The 8th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management and The 3rd International Conference on Utility Management & Safety 2013
Date: 30th October, 2013 – 1st November, 2013
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center
WCEAM 2014 and the 3rd ICUMAS attracted eminent academics, industry practitioners and research scientists from around the world. The ultimate goal of the congress is to advance the body of knowledge in Engineering Asset Management and Utility Management & Safety, strengthen the link between industry practitioners, academia and technology providers, promote the development and application of research, and showcase state-of-the-art technologies.
The 8th WCEAM 2013 & 3rd ICUMAS 2013 was hosted by the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM), Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management of the City University of Hong Kong, the Community and Construction Professionals’ Development Centre (CCPDC), the Centre for System Informatics and Quality Engineering (CSIE) and the Smart Engineering Asset Management Laboratory (SEAM) of CityU, and the Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists (HKIUS).
A distinguished faculy was invited to deliver presentations on a broad range of topics and in a range of formats. Faculty members represented a group of international experts from Hong Kong, the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
Special guests of honour Mr. Chi-sing Wai, Permant Secretary (Works) of the Development Bureau, The Hong Kong SAR Government and Prof. Way Kuo, Presidet & University Distinguished Professor of the City University of Hong Kong opened the conference in the official opening ceremony.
Special guest of honour Mr. Wai-kwok Lo, Member (Functional Constituency – Engineering of the Legislative Council, The Hong Kong SAR government attended and addressed the audience in the closing ceremony.

The 2nd International Conference on Utility Management Date: 7-8 March, 2011
Venue: L’ Hotel Nina et Convention Centre
The Second International Conference on Utility Management and Safety was held on 6-9 March 2011 successfully. Apart from welcoming dinner on 6 March and the technical visit on 9 March, most importantly, the two days conference was held at L’ Hotel Nina et Convention Centre on 7-8 March 2011. The 2nd ICUMAS was jointly organized by HKIUS, HKURC and co-organized by over 70 supporting organizations from government departments, academic institutions, professional associations from local, mainland china and overseas.
The conference received overwhelmingly enthusiastic response that attracted over 500 engineering, surveyors, safety and utility practitioners, government officials, academics representatives and utility field consultants in which over 30% are overseas participants and 30% are from Government department. The 2nd ICUMAS was a great success in providing an excellent platform and opportunity in keeping abreast of latest knowledge and experience about utility management and safety, offering a channel to network with each other and promoting continuous cooperation among utility industry worldwide.
The conference comprised of various sections with featured keynote and guest lectures and parallel sessions ended with a forum. The opening ceremony was held on 7 March in which Chairman of ICUMAS Organizing Committee, Ir LEE S.S., GBS, OBE, JP and officiating guest Mr. HONG Li-bo, the Deputy President of Underground Pipeline Committee of CACP delivered a welcoming message to the delegates kicked off the 2nd ICUMAS. Another officiating guest, Ir WAI Chi-sing, JP presented the souvenir to keynote and guest speakers.
The two-day conference was prosperously and effectively encouraging active discussion among the delegates. A forum was held thereafter and chaired by Ir Dr. Albert YEUNG with 7 other panel members. Constructive discussion was generated among the group regarding the utility planning in different countries and the discussion of utility planning and development.
The 2nd ICUMAS was successfully held and gathered crowd of experts and professionals worldwide. At the last, Mr. Terry MOUNTAIN presented souvenirs to our supporting organizations and organizing committees. The objectives were achieved in general by facilitating constructive exchange of innovative ideas regarding utility management and safety, we truly wish that each delegate found the conference inspiring.

Date: 2nd-3rd March, 2009
Venue: Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel
The First International Conference on Utility Management and Safety was held on 1-4 March 2009. Apart from soccer match on 1 March and technical and sightseeing visit on 4 March, most importantly, the two days conference was held at Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel from 2-3 March 2009. ICUMAS was pioneered and jointly organized by HKIUS and HKURC, co-organized with CIC and LSGI of PolyU with over 70 supporting organizations from government departments, academic institutes, professional associations from local, mainland china and overseas.
The overall conference attracted over 500 engineering, surveyors, safety and utility practitioners, government officials, professionals, academics and consultants to attend including the soccer match, conference, opening banquet and technical visit. The ICUMAS was a great success in providing an excellent platform and opportunity in keeping abreast of more knowledge and experience about utility management and safety, offering a communication channel to network with each other and promoting continuous cooperation among utility industry worldwide.
ICUMAS comprised of various sections, which featured keynote and guest lectures, parallel sessions respectively on 2nd March and 3rd March and a forum on 3rd March as well.
The ICUMAS opening banquet was organized together with HKIUS in celebrating its 6th Anniversary at the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel. The evening gathered guests of 16 tables from government chief officials, association chairmen, professionals and academics. It was also our greatest pleasures to have invited 13 Honorary Guests to our event. The dinner was commenced by a welcome speech by HKIUS President, Ir Damien C.C. KU, in addressing and reporting to us the key milestones of the development of HKIUS. It was followed by the inauguration of the new session of HKIUS Council 2009/10 with the witness of our Honorary Guests. In addition, the Honorary Fellow was given to Mr. C.S. WAI, Director of Highways, HKSAR this year, who has shown remarkable effort in enhancing utility development in Hong Kong. The award presentation was discharged by Ir H.S. KWONG, GBS, JP, Chairman of ICUMAS Organizing Committee. The dinner was announced started right after the toasting led by our Honorary Guests on stage. It was pleasurable to meet all HKIUS friends in this occasion, and in order to update guests the status and development of the institute, HKIUS related questions were prepared and asked, in which guests that had answered correctly will be given a prize. This game had received enthusiastic participation from our guests.
Without the support of our supporting organizations and organizing committee, ICUMAS would not be successfully held and able to gather experts and professionals worldwide. In order to extend our immense gratitude, Prof. William KO and Ir Damien KU presented souvenirs to our supporting organizations and organizing committee respectively.